About Syzygy.Boston and Cassandra

Syzygy.Boston is an Indie Nail Polish, Cuticle Oil and Accessory brand, based out of Boston, MA. Syzygy stands for fun, inclusivity, giving back, and a judgement-free appreciation of nail polish, beauty and fashion.

Polishes, Oils, and Accessories are handmade in small batches. Polishes and oils are made with Vegan-Friendly ingredients where applicable. I prefer animal AND human cruelty-free pigments and ingredients. 

FDA Information on Nail Polish

Comments or concerns? Get in touch! -> CONTACT

About the Creator
Cassandra, late 30s, LGBTQ, non-binary (she/they), neurodivergence is my super power. Definitely not three mental illnesses in a rainbow holographic trench coat... it's four.

Swatch Squad 


A Project of Syzygy Boston Creative LLC